Red Bull Gives You…Wings?

During our college years, many students turn to energy drinks for a variety of reasons. Some merely like the taste while others consume them to stay awake during studying. However, of these students, the majority does not understand the adverse side effects of the various beverages. The amount of caffeine added to these drinks can lead to insomnia, nervousness, headache, and even seizures. Although the worser effects usually don’t happen, it’s scary to think that there is potential for a seizure to occur. A study performed by the Nutrition Journal, researchs the risk factors associated with energy drink consumption in college students. Unfortunately, I can only find a link to the abstract and if you want to view the article in its entirity, it will charge you. However, I located the article before they began charging readers and can give a more thorough synopsis of the results.

Notable Results:
-60% of participants first used these drinks during their college years
-37% of non-users reported not having a particular reason for not trying these drinks
-40% of all current users consume them to mix with alcohol
-51.7% of current consumers prefer Red Bull over any other brand
-34.4% of participants learned about the health hazards associated with energy drinks through classes in school

Unfortunately, minimal studies have been conducted on the long-term health effects of energy-drink consumption by college students. However, based on the immediate results, long term effects cannot be favorable. I think one major step in trying to educate the young students around the world of the riskiness of consuming energy drinks is to introduce it to middle and high school health classes. By notifying them of these serious risks, it could help decrease the amount of students who use them. I see many students around UNH who drink Red Bull or Monster while drinking hard liquor and it makes me wonder if they really know what they’re doing to their bodies. Sure, Red Bull may “give you wings” for those 6 hours on a late Friday or Saturday night, but in the long run, it’s probably destroying your body from the inside out.

So the next time you find yourself cramming for an exam into the wee hours of the night or simply just need a boost of energy, try to fight the urge of reaching for that liquidized chemical drink and look for a more healthy and satisfying alternative.

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